
The eSpecially Group of Companies Privacy Policy is established to handle all personal information in accordance with Privacy Legislation and Company Code of Practice. We will communicate openly with you about what personal information we collect and hold, and how it is used and disclosed. The main features of the Policy are covered in the eSpecially Group of Companies Privacy Policy, a copy of which is available on request.

Training for employees and service providers involved within eSpecially Office will include awareness of privacy issues and, in particular, eSpecially Group’s Privacy Policy. The eSpecially Group of Companies Privacy Policy will be reviewed regularly to ensure compliance.


Your Privacy Is Important To Us

The eSpecially Group of Companies recognises that in the course of our business, we will collect and hold personal information about you, your company and your use of our products and services. The eSpecially Group of Companies is committed to handling this information in accordance with the National Privacy Standards.

Trevor Canham


Our Privacy Policy recognises that in the course of business with you we will collect and hold personal information about you and your use of products and services. is committed to handling your information in accordance with National Privacy Standards.

What Information We Collect?

Some information collected about you by will be transferred to Sales, Marketing and Customer Service Departments of associated eSpecially Group Companies.

We Collect:

  • Your Name.
  • Your Job Title and/or Responsibility.
  • Your Company Name.
  • Your Company Address.
  • Your Contact Telephone and Fax numbers.
  • Your Email Address and Website details.
  • Your use of products and services.
  • Change of address and telephone contacts information.
  • Any other information you may voluntarily provide to us.


Any information requested or collected concerning our Website's visitors is used for internal purposes only. Information such as your email address or telephone number will not be sold or otherwise disclosed to third parties without prior notification in writing or by email.


Marketing and Services may send you details of products or services or special offers, promotions and newsletters that may be of interest to you unless you have indicated that you do not wish to receive such marketing offers. If you do not wish to receive marketing offers you can do so by emailing us on or phoning our Marketing Department on (02) 9909 8807 during business hours. ALL requests for privacy are strictly honoured.

The eSpecially Group of Companies is committed to the protection of your information from unauthorised use or disclosure. will monitor the processes and procedures it uses to keep your information confidential to maintain their effectiveness.

Information Quality

We take proper precautions to ensure that information about you is accurate, up-to-date and complete. Please assist us by letting us know promptly about any changes to your information or any errors that may appear in your information. On receiving advice from you, we will promptly update your information.


If you have any reason to think your privacy has been breached in any way we will investigate. If your complaint is justified we will take steps to remedy the problems and ensure that similar problems do not recur. If you are not satisfied with our investigations and findings, you have the right to complain to the Privacy Commissioner. To contact us regarding a complaint please call us on (02) 9909 8807.


We will keep our compliance with our Privacy Policy under review.